We will be a people who light the world with the love of Jesus. Jesus instructed us to let our light shine before all men (Matt. 5:16). God’s heart is to reach the lost. He makes us passionate about preaching the gospel and doing ministry in a way that engages people outside of the Christian faith, so they may glorify God. We do this at UTSA throughout the San Antonio Metro and to the ends of the earth.


    We will be a people who see Jesus and actively help others know how to follow Jesus. A disciple helps make other disciples through encouragement, studying the Word, and Jesus’ teaching of spiritual formation.


    We will be a multi-cultural people who in love for one another will forgo our comforts and preferences and strive for the unity of people in the church to the glory of God.


We will be a people who choose joy in all situations. And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit (Acts 13:52).


    We will be a people with Big Faith. Jesus said, “Faith as a mustard seed, can move a mountain.” We read it is also impossible to please God without faith. Let’s trust HIm and start moving mountains.

    Read Matthew 17:20

    Read Hebrews 11:6


    We will be a people no longer bound by sin. When we bow our knee to Jesus He becomes our Lord, and sets us free from any other rule over our lives. He who is free is free indeed


    We will be a people who walk God’s calling to a spiritual family; therefore, we embrace community, reject the idea of disposable relationships, and choose to walk in love, respect, and unity. We will refuse to sacrifice our marriages and our children on the altars of temporal success or fleeting pleasures. (Psalm 127:1, 3)



  • Luminous is a non-denominational church that loves Jesus and wants to help others see Him clearly. We are also a part of a global family of churches called Every Nation.

  • We meet at the 5590 Summit Parkway 78229

    This is a new location for us located right by the Medical Center.

    You will notice our flags and A-Frame signs and there will be ample parking for you.

  • There will be an amazing Ignite Team opening the door for you, welcoming you, and giving you directions to the café, sanctuary, and where to checkin your kids.

    Our two services both run about an hour and ten minutes. We follow a Sunday liturgy:

    Called to Worship:

    In Song 

    In Prayer

    In Giving

    In Fellowship 

    In the Word 

    In Communion 

    In Being Sent

  • We have an incredible children’s ministry for ages 6 months through 5th grade. They will check-in right outside the children’s classrooms and receive a sticker with a unique code that will be used for secure dropoff and pickup.

    Their class will provide playtime (fellowship), singing time (worship in song), bible time (worship in the word), snack time (breaking of bread), prayer time, and blessing.

    We also have student ministry for 6th through 12th grade on the 2nd & 4th Sunday. These students meet during the 11 AM Service in the Youth Room.

  • Wear what you would if you went to a movie theater. Some people dress up, but most people dress down. We hope that you would wear what you think is appropriate for a church service, but know that there may be others who culturally dress differently than you. Which we think is beautfiul.